Nutrition and Fitness Tips

Nutrition and Exercise Tips for Busy Students

Explore handy nutrition and exercise tips for busy uni students - you've got this!

Clean-up Tips

The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Your Student Accommodation Clean and Fresh

A tidy environment not only makes life more pleasant but also helps build harmony among housemates. Here are some simple and effective tips to keep your student accommodation clean, fresh and fun!

Blog Post - Best Australian Music to Study to

The Best Australian Music to Study to

We've put together a list of our top picks for the best Australian music to study to, guaranteed to get you focused and motivated - crank up the volume and let's get ready to hit the books!


Find out how you can get around Sydney for just $2.60

One of the things we love about Sydney's public transport is cheap Sunday public transport Opal deal.


The Cost of Living in Sydney as a Student

Sydney is Australia’s biggest city and the country’s top destination for international students. The cost of living may be slightly higher in Sydney than some other Australian cities, but it’s still possible to get by on a student budget.

Top Banks in Australia for International Students

Top Banks in Australia for International Students

One of the most important things to consider if you’re moving to Australia is the best student bank account. 


The Best Jobs for Uni Students

For most uni students, juggling study with a casual or part-time job is a necessity - but it can also have a positive impact on your life. 


Experiences for International Students in Sydney

With its glorious harbour and vibrant culture, Sydney is a dream destination for university students. If you’re new to Sydney’s international student community, we can help you get to know your adopted home.