Student Accommodation FAQ

UniLodge Stafford House
Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions about living at UniLodge Stafford House? Find out everything you need to know about our student accommodation by checking out our most frequently asked questions. Whether you’re unsure about moving logistics, living costs, leases, or another aspect about of living in UniLodge student apartments, these questions include all the essential information you’ll need before moving in. If you have a question that you don't see answered, check in our blog or feel free to contact us directly.

Where can I find more information about accommodation?

Answers to most of your questions can be found here.

What are your arrival days and times?

Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm.

Do you offer after hours arrivals?

At this stage we cannot accommodate arrivals outside of 10am to 4pm, Monday to Friday.

Are there building upgrades occuring?

UniLodge Stafford House will have ongoing waterproofing and maintenance to the exterior and interior of the building during the 2024 year.  We do not anticipate any concerns during this time however should you have any questions please reach out to the reception team at

What is the property complaint process?

UniLodge aims to resolve resident complaints in a transparent and fair manner. With respect to our privacy policy UniLodge will disclose to the complainant any requested information or documentation required to fully address the complaint.

Our objective in providing a complaints process is to allow our residents to air their grievances in a constructive manner with a focus on reaching a mutually acceptable solution. Where a mutually acceptable solution cannot be reached, UniLodge may refer to the resident handbook or to your Residential Agreement in response to your grievance.

UniLodge aims to reach resolution of the complaint in a reasonable time frame, with a focus on minimising any ongoing impact to the resident engaging in the complaints process.

  • Step 1: Contact a member of the UniLodge team. Explain your grievance and your desired outcome.
    • Staff will respond to your complaint within five business days and may request to meet with the complainant as part of reaching a solution.
    • (Not resolved?)
  • Step 2: Contact the General Manager Portfolio via email and submit the details of your complaint in writing. The General Manager Portfolio will request a meeting to discuss the matter further.
    • (Not resolved?)
  • Step 3: Should you be unhappy with the outcome from your complaint you can escalate it to the Area General Manager - New Zealand to discuss your concerns and your options (phone number 09 973 5300).
  • Step 4: Should your concerns not be resolved by these internal grievance procedures; you can then pursue an external complaint through Tenancy Services - 0800 836 262 (0800 TENANCY).

Do I need to be a student to live at UniLodge Stafford House?

No, we accept all guests. Please note, references may be required.

UniLodge Vision, Mission and Values

To view our Vision, Mission and Values click here.

How do I reserve a room at UniLodge Stafford House?

Please click on the book now button and choose your preferred room. Bookings are direct through our online booking engine.

What kind of contracts does UniLodge Stafford House offer?

We have residential tenancy contracts which sit underneath the Residential Tenancy Act 1986.

What does my accommodation payment include?

Your payment includes your single room within an apartment and reasonable electricity costs. There is an internet connection fee, which you can choose to use, which is a one off payment that gives you full access to the internet during your stay. Your rent also includes free use of amenities such as our gym, music practice room and games room.

Do you have car parking facilities?


When do I pay my rent?

Please refer to the installment scheduling as set out in your contract offer

How does my mail get to me?

All mail is delivered to the office each working day. It is then sorted and distributed to the apartment mail boxes in the foyer

What do I need to buy before I can move in?

Basic bedding pack, personal belongings, drying rack, food, cleaning products, TV optional for your bedroom.

How close is the nearest supermarket?

New World Thorndon supermarket is a 5 to 10 minute walk

If I really want to move rooms after I move in – is that possible?

No. However at the end of Trimester 1 it may be possible, should exceptional circumstances and reasons be accepted by UniLodge Stafford House. A fee may apply.

Can I move out at any time?

No, you are bound by your contract term and conditions

Is there extra storage outside my apartment?

Yes, we can assist with a secured space for empty suitcases, cartons but only for the duration of your contract.

Can I use my bond to pay my rent?

No, the bond is held with Tenancy Services and released to you once your lease terms and conditions have been met.

How long does it take for the bond to be refunded?

Normally within 4 to 6 weeks of your departure

How do I connect the internet/phone?

If you have paid your internet connection fee then you will be given a password to connect to our WIFI. There is no telephone in the apartments.

Is wireless internet available?

Yes, wifi is available throughout the building, supported by a cable port in all bedrooms.

How do I disconnect the internet/phone?

There is no need for a disconnection process at UniLodge Stafford House.

Where can I find resources to manage my health and wellbeing?

UniLodge has listed a number of resources on our Student Health and Wellbeing page.

Further Resident Information

The Resident Handbook is designed to help you to get to know the building and familiarise yourself with your rights and responsibilities as a resident. We hope that this Handbook will prove useful to you in answering any questions you have, and in assisting you with the most common concerns that you may have.