Student Accommodation FAQ

UniLodge at Curtin University - Erica Underwood House

Blog Post - Best Australian Music to Study to

The Best Australian Music to Study to

We've put together a list of our top picks for the best Australian music to study to, guaranteed to get you focused and motivated - crank up the volume and let's get ready to hit the books!

Nutrition and Fitness Tips

Nutrition and Exercise Tips for Busy Students

Explore handy nutrition and exercise tips for busy uni students - you've got this!

Clean-up Tips

The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Your Student Accommodation Clean and Fresh

A tidy environment not only makes life more pleasant but also helps build harmony among housemates. Here are some simple and effective tips to keep your student accommodation clean, fresh and fun!

Kings Park Perth

Varun's top tips on what to do in Perth

We asked our UniLodge Team to tell you their favourite places to visit around Perth to help you settle in and enjoy our beautiful city.


Raising a Family of Ducklings

Here’s how Mridula became co-parent to 7 little ducklings at UniLodge Kurrajong Village.


Writing Letters in Lockdown

Living in student accommodation in lock down is not an easy task but our residents decided to write letters and find different ways to connect with the local community to bridge a gap and make new friends.  

Top Banks in Australia for International Students

Top Banks in Australia for International Students

One of the most important things to consider if you’re moving to Australia is the best student bank account. 


The Best Jobs for Uni Students

For most uni students, juggling study with a casual or part-time job is a necessity - but it can also have a positive impact on your life. 

KV Chess Board

Insider tips and event highlights from our local Perth team

Hear from the UniLodge Insider! Luke, Residential Life Manager at UniLodge at Curtin tells you his favourite places to eat, shop and chill all within walking distance from the Perth campus.